Our Company

Since 2001, Biosafety has been an integrated business consultant in matters of Health & Safety, Quality and Environment. Our company owns E.X.Y.P.P. permission. (External Protection and Prevention Service) from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (131740/0 3/02/2005) and supports businesses by providing Preventive Health and Workforce Safety services.


At Biosafety we are close to the needs of companies and our partners, advocating a modern working environment. Thus, our work goes beyond legal compliance and focuses on creating a new positive Health & Safety culture at work.


With more than 80 services and training programs in the areas of Quality, Health, Safety & Environment, we offer quality and modern work to more than 1,100 companies in Greece and abroad.


Από το 2001 η Biosafety αποτελεί έναν ολοκληρωμένο σύμβουλο επιχειρήσεων σε θέματα Υγείας & Ασφάλειας, Ποιότητας και Περιβάλλοντος. Κατέχει άδεια Ε.ΞΥ.Π.Π. (Εξωτερική Υπηρεσία Προστασίας και Πρόληψης) από το Υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης (131740/0 3/02/2005) και στηρίζει τις επιχειρήσεις με την παροχή υπηρεσιών Πρόληψής Υγείας και Ασφάλειας Εργατικού Δυναμικού.


Στη Biosafety βρισκόμαστε δίπλα στις ανάγκες των επιχειρήσεων και συνεργατών μας πρεσβεύοντας ένα σύγχρονο περιβάλλον εργασίας. Έτσι, το έργο μας κινείται πέρα από τη νομική συμμόρφωση και εστιάζει στη δημιουργία μιας νέας θετικής κουλτούρας Υγείας & Ασφάλειας στην εργασία.


Με περισσότερες από 80 υπηρεσίες και εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα στους τομείς της Ποιότητας, Υγείας, Ασφάλειας & Περιβάλλοντος προσφέρουμε ποιοτικό και σύγχρονο έργο σε πάνω από 1.100 επιχειρήσεις σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό.

Our Philosophy

Supporting our message “Grow Together” our vision is to grow together with our partners and customers, to be next to companies, employees and the wider society supporting the creation of a positive culture of Health, Safety, Quality and Environment.


Our Values

Health, Safety, Quality and Environment services at work operate in a high-demanding, multifactorial field. Their management requires knowledge, method and system, but also the collaboration of different scientific disciplines, such as technology, medicine, psychology, law, finance and others.

The sensitive fields of Health, Safety, Quality and Environment at work are governed by an extensive and complex network of legislation. Knowledge and compliance with the laws is mandatory and any possible deviation may cause serious penalties, which is why it is a priority and a basic foundation of our services.

The provision of services requires the availability of a consultant to meet the needs and requests that arise. Immediate response and substantial support for any technical, legal, medical, commercial, administrative issue is a key component of our services.

Integrity and courtesy, reliability in their suggestions, respect for the client and partner, firm and clear positions. We only work with these as data, because we believe that only in this way is it possible to form long-term relationships and partnerships that can satisfy all involved members.

Our People

At Biosafety we believe that our power is our team, a composition of executives with excellent scientific training in a wide range of areas of expertise, from engineers, doctors and nurses to economists, environmentalists and psychotherapists. Our goal is to respond to the multifaceted needs of every business in the most comprehensive way possible. Through the diversity of our team, there is also a common element.


All of us are dedicated to providing the most modern and qualitive services and above all dedicated to changing the mindset and developing a new, positive culture at work.

Η ομάδα μας αποτελείται από ένα ευρύ δίκτυο με περισσότερους από 350 συνεργάτες: 


  • Μηχανικούς όλων των ειδικοτήτων, εγγεγραμμένους στο ηλεκτρονικό σύστημα του Σώματος Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας SEPEnet με άδεια να αναλαμβάνουν καθήκοντα ως Τεχνικοί Ασφαλείας & Συντονιστές Υγείας & Ασφάλειας


  • Ιατρούς με ειδικότητα Ιατρικής Εργασίας και Ιατρούς λοιπών ειδικοτήτων που περιλαμβάνονται στον κατάλογο του Υπ. Εργασίας Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης & Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης και έχουν νόμιμο δικαίωμα ανάληψης καθηκόντων Ιατρού Εργασίας


Η εκπροσώπηση του δικτύου των συνεργατών μας είναι η εξής:

At Biosafety we believe that our power is our team, a composition of executives with excellent scientific training in a wide range of areas of expertise, from engineers, doctors and nurses to economists, environmentalists and psychotherapists. Our goal is to respond to the multifaceted needs of every business in the most comprehensive way possible. Through the diversity of our team, there is also a common element. All of us are dedicated to providing the most modern and qualitive services and above all dedicated to changing the mindset and developing a new, positive culture at work.

Our Partners

Our team consists of a wide network of more than 350 partners:

  • Engineers of all specialties, registered with SEPEnet and licensed to undertake duties as Safety Technicians and Health & Safety Coordinators
  • Doctors with a specialty in Occupational Medicine and Doctors of other specialties who have the legal right to assume the duties of Occupational Physicians
  • Pathologists and Nurses
  • Wellness and Mental Health Trainers, Psychotherapists, Nutritionists & Coaches
Αναστάσιος Τάτσης, Διπλ Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνος για τους Τεχνικούς Ασφαλείας

Anastasios Tatsis

Scientific Responsible for Safety Officers

Νεκτάριος Μπουμπόπουλος Ειδικός Ιατρός Εργασίας Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνος για τους Ιατρούς Εργασίας

Nektarios Boubopoulos

Scientific Responsible for Occupational Physicians

Αγγελική Μητροπούλου Υπεύθυνη Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων / DPO

Angeliki Mitropoulou

Personal Data Protection Officer / DPO

Quality Policy & Certifications

Our key priority is to maintain the quality of our services at a highly competitive level, as well as continuously improve them taking into account every development in the fields of Health, Safety, Quality & Environment.


The quality of our services is controlled according to the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015 / ISO 45001: 2018 / ISO 14001: 2015, while its Quality Management System and its implementation are evaluated and certified by InterConformity GmbH, Assessment & Certification Company.


Our Projects

Our Awards

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Our work has been recognized twice at the Health & Safety Awards 2022 and 2023 by Boussias Publications, when we had the honor of being awarded for our services. The Health & Safety Awards are presented to companies that have made a significant contribution to the promotion of Health & Safety in the workplace.

Our awards in 2022 were:


  • Gold Award for the Hellinikon Evacuation Project in collaboration with Lamda Development S.A.
  • Silver Award for Development of OSH Audit Tool and investigation of its intent to use through the application of the UTAUT model
  • Bronze award for the Occupational Health & Safety Training Program in collaboration
    with Sofman S.A.


Our awards in 2023 were:


  • Winner Award for the Incorporation of modern methodologies in the preparation of the HSE documentation for the new relocation building of the disabled associations in the Metropolitan Pole of Hellinikon – Agios Kosmas, in partnership with EKTER SA & LAMDA Development S.A.
  • Gold Award for the development of a reliable and easy-to-use decision support tool regarding the choice of Gathering Point

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Our work has been recognized twice at the Health & Safety Awards 2022 and 2023 by Boussias Publications, when we had the honor of being awarded for our services. The Health & Safety Awards are presented to companies that have made a significant contribution to the promotion of Health & Safety in the workplace.

Our awards in 2022 were:


  • Gold Award for the Hellinikon Evacuation Project in collaboration with Lamda Development S.A.
  • Silver Award for Development of OSH Audit Tool and investigation of its intent to use through the application of the UTAUT model
  • Bronze award for the Occupational Health & Safety Training Program in collaboration
    with Sofman S.A.


Our awards in 2023 were:


  • Winner Award for the Incorporation of modern methodologies in the preparation of the HSE documentation for the new relocation building of the disabled associations in the Metropolitan Pole of Hellinikon – Agios Kosmas, in partnership with EKTER SA & LAMDA Development S.A.
  • Gold Award for the development of a reliable and easy-to-use decision support tool regarding the choice of Gathering Point

Our Publications