The written Occupational Risk Assessment Study is the basic tool for managing Occupational Health & Safety. Its role is crucial in preventing accidents in the workplace and contributes decisively to increasing the safety index of employees. Its existence in the company is an employer’s obligation based on KNYAE 3850/2010, article 43.
The preparation of the Occupational Risk Assessment Study aims to:
- the timely recognition of sources of risk that may affect employees, facilities, equipment, operation, processes, etc.
- the systematic categorization of occupational risks and their classification by degree of risk
- the detailed recording of the required collective and individual measures to prevent and deal with occupational risks
The Occupational Risk Assessment Study includes:
- identifying occupational hazards
- identifying people who may be harmed by the hazards
- the risk assessment
- the assessment of the adequacy of existing measures
- the description of the additional measures to be taken
- the implementation of the measures in practice
- the re-evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures
The preparation of the Occupational Risk Assessment Study is done in accordance with the relevant circulars, in harmony with the European Directives. At the same time, specialized tools and computer systems make a detailed and accurate risk assessment possible, in any kind of activity, regardless of the complexity and particularities it may contain.