Occupational Health: A valuable investment for the companies

Our health determines our physical, psychological and spiritual state. The health of employees is a determining factor for their functionality and efficiency, so that they can respond more successfully to their daily obligations. At the same time, the success and economic development of companies is inextricably linked to the efficiency of its employees.

In workplaces where Health & Safety rules are followed, it is proven that the chances of occupational accidents, burnout, reduced productivity due to health symptoms and sick leave are significantly low. In addition, quality working conditions motivate employee loyalty and develop investor confidence.

Therefore, Occupational Health is a valuable investment for companies that offers them a significant profit. It is estimated that for every dollar that the employers invest in occupational safety and health, they can expect a return of more than two dollars.

The cultivation of a positive culture of Health & Safety in the Workplace

The term health and safety culture in the workplace is now widely used in business, replacing terms such as health and safety policy or program. This is not a typical change. On the contrary, it represents a substantial change required in the perception, mindset, attitudes and behaviors of employees and managers towards health and safety in the workplace.

As stated by the Quality & Research Director of Biosafety S.A., Kyriakos Koklonis, “The cultivation of a positive health and safety culture is an essential element for the implementation of a successful and effective health and safety strategy. The idea of culture change can seem impossible because of all these entrenched patterns that pre-exist in the workplace. However, maintaining wrong practices and habits can have disastrous consequences, such as accidents, injuries, illnesses, and even loss of life.

It is indicative that 3,963 occupational accidents were recorded in our country, of which 41 were fatal, according to the data published by ΕΛΣΤΑΤ in July concerning 2020.

Therefore, it becomes imperative to reinforce the change towards a positive safety culture. A change beyond theoretical schemes, which is carried out through a set of company actions in collaboration with specialized Health & Safety consulting companies”, Mr. Koklonis points out.

What might a Health and Wellness Program for a company include?

1. Doctors and Nurses

In addition to the Occupational Doctor, whose role is provided by legislation, companies also need more specialized medical personnel, such as a Pathologist, to carry out comprehensive medical checks. At the same time, it becomes particularly important to have nursing staff to provide emergency treatment in case of emergencies, accidents, injuries or sudden illness.

2. Examinations & Vaccinations

Conducting examinations and vaccinations in workplaces is also an important provision for businesses. In collaboration with medical and nursing staff, checks can be carried out on company premises to prevent and promote the health of employees, but also to ensure their suitability for their duties. The tests carried out by Biosafety are: pulmonary, ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological, cardiological and musculoskeletal.

3. Clinic & First Aid Station

The staffing of companies with the appropriate health personnel and the necessary equipment for the provision of first aid is a prerequisite for the timely treatment of emergencies, such as an injury, the avoidance of a disability or even a death.

4. Private Ambulance

The provision of an ambulance aims at the timely and safe transport of patients to a public or private hospital, so that the fastest and most appropriate medical care can be offered to them. In this way, a long wait for the transfer is prevented and the incident is managed immediately.

5. Mental Health Programs

The modern challenges faced by employees, such as the management of daily stress and other psychologically damaging situations, combined with the importance of their mental balance for functionality and efficiency in their daily tasks, makes it necessary to get training, awareness and psychological support programs, with the help of specialist psychologists-psychotherapists.

6. Nutrition Program

Η διατροφή επηρεάζει άμεσα την υγεία και την παραγωγικότητα των εργαζομένων. Έχει αποδειχθεί ότι οι εργαζόμενοι που ακολουθούν μια ισορροπημένη διατροφή είναι περισσότερο υγιείς και αποτελεσματικοί στις καθημερινές τους υποχρεώσεις. Για αυτό και οι παρεμβάσεις των επιχειρήσεων στη διατροφή του προσωπικού τους μπορούν να επιφέρουν μόνο θετικά αποτελέσματα για αυτές. Tα Προγράμματα Διατροφής μπορούν να περιλαμβάνουν εκπαιδεύσεις, ατομικές & ομαδικές συνεδρίες διατροφής αλλά και εξετάσεις λιπομέτρησης.

7. Trainings

Education is not just a process of learning, but mainly awareness and formation of values. For this reason, it is considered a key foundation for the cultivation of a positive culture of Health & Safety at Work.

It is proven that trainings that focus on vital subjects such as First Aid and Fire Safety can save human lives. In fact, according to research commissioned by the British Red Cross and conducted by the University of Manchester, up to 59% of pre-hospital injury deaths could be prevented with first aid.

In addition, ergonomics seminars contribute to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, other injuries and strains, while trainings concerning mental health, stress management, mental resilience and ethical harassment have now become equally necessary in the workplace, since they help decisively in internal shielding of employees.


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